Can You Continue a Run After Blue Hush

Added in Afterbirth

Hush is the boss of ??? ???, and the final boss of Ending 17.

Behavior [ ]

Phase 1 [ ]

Hush begins with a fight identical to the ??? ??? fight, having the same attacks and behavior but with a different appearance, half of ???'s health, and longer projectile travel distance due to being fought in a 2×2 room.

See ??? ??? for more details.

Phase 2 [ ]

After Hush's first form is defeated, it reveals its large true form at the top of the room, taking the form of its splash screen portrait.

  • During this phase, Hush occasionally sinks into the ground, becoming non-attacking and invulnerable, and only returning once most of the projectiles onscreen have dissipated. It performs this move every time it loses around 20% HP and also in conjunction with some of its later attacks.

Phase 2-1 (100-80% HP) [ ]

Hush remains stationary in the top center of the room and performs the following attacks:

  • Fires barrages of yellow, blue, and green glowing projectiles in certain patterns, combining 1-3 different patterns of projectiles. These patterns include:
    • Rings of projectiles that alternate between rotating clockwise and counterclockwise as they move outwards.
    • U-shaped salvos aimed at Isaac.
    • Lines of projectiles aimed at Isaac that either gain (yellow), lose (blue), or maintain (green) momentum as they travel (these lines have spaces between them every 4-5 shots).
    • 2-4 repeating volleys of 4 projectiles, with equal spacing between each volley (the angle these volleys are shot out at rotates as the attack continues).

The same pattern can be used multiple times in each barrage, and projectile patterns become less dense if multiple patterns are used in the same barrage.

Phase 2-2 (80-60% HP) [ ]

Hush sinks into the ground and relocates to the center of the room before resuming its attacks. It also gains an attack and two more shot patterns:

  • Hush's projectile barrage can include two new patterns:
    • A very dense ring of projectiles, with a gap aimed somewhere towards Isaac's general direction.
    • 3-5 spirals of projectiles, with even spacing between each spiral (projectiles from these spirals initially lose momentum, but after a few seconds they resume their normal speed while rotating counterclockwise as they move out).
  • Spawns a cluster of Hush Fly Hush Flies that either orbit Hush, launch towards Isaac's position and fly off-screen, or actively chase Isaac. These flies have invincibility for a short time after being spawned, and alternate between forming the shapes of a circle, triangle, square, pentagon, or a 5 or 6-pointed star.

Phase 2-3 (60-40% HP) [ ]

Hush keeps its attacks from previous phase and gains two more attacks and an extra shot pattern:

Phase 2-4 (40-20% HP) [ ]

Hush keeps its attacks from previous phases, gains an extra attack, and modifies its shot patterns:

  • Hush sinks into the ground while firing its projectile barrages, moving in a random direction or chasing Isaac as it fires, and spawning Blue Boils as it moves. Only shot patterns from phase 2-1 can be used; the patterns added in phase 2-2 and 2-3 are lost.
  • Hush creates three large red projectiles that move outward and split rapidly into numerous smaller projectiles. Hush can start other attacks before the projectiles from this attack fully dissipate.
  • Added in Repentance From this point onward, the cooldown between each of Hush's attacks is drastically reduced. (This has been confirmed to be a bug)

Phase 2-5 (<20% HP) [ ]

Hush keeps most of its attacks from previous phases, but loses its ability to spawn Hush Flies. However, it gains one more attack in this phase:

Gallery [ ]

Unlockable Achievements [ ]

  • New Area

  • Fart Baby

  • Purity

  • D12

  • Betrayal

  • Fate's Reward

  • Athame

  • Blind Rage

  • Maw of the Void

  • Empty Vessel

  • Eden's Blessing

  • Sworn Protector

  • Incubus

  • Keeper now holds... A Penny!

  • Hushy

  • Hallowed Ground

  • Divine Intervention

  • Vanishing Twin

  • A Secret Exit

  • Soul of Isaac

  • Soul of Magdalene

  • Soul of Cain

  • Soul of Judas

  • Soul of ???

  • Soul of Eve

  • Soul of Samson

  • Soul of Azazel

  • Soul of Lazarus

  • Soul of Eden

  • Soul of the Lost

  • Soul of Lilith

  • Soul of the Keeper

  • Soul of Apollyon

  • Soul of the Forgotten

  • Soul of Bethany

  • Soul of Jacob and Esau

Damage Scaling [ ]

Damage scaling is an unclear mechanic introduced by Nicalis in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth to provide a more challenging experience to the players, enabling some enemies to retaliate against high damage attacks by deploying an "armor" of a sort to greatly reduce the amount of damage taken. Further details and an in-depth explanation may be found here.

Strategies [ ]

  • Effects that cause long-lasting mass slowdown such as Stop Watch Stop Watch or the I'm Drowsy pill are very valuable, aiding the player's ability to dodge the complex tear patterns and deal with the massive spawns of enemies, which can happen in quick succession.
  • Any items that can block or deflect projectiles will be highly useful, due to the bullet-hell design of the fight. Orbital familiars, Circle of Protection Circle of Protection, The Soul The Soul, Trinity Shield Trinity Shield, Dry Baby Dry Baby, Farting Baby Farting Baby, Host Hat Host Hat, and Infamy Infamy may greatly help mitigate damage.
  • Lost Contact Lost Contact may be beneficial or detrimental depending on the player's tears stat; in combination with a high tears stat, many Lost Contact tears may still reach Hush even after blocking Hush's shots, but if the player has a low tears stat, they may find all their Lost Contact tears fired being destroyed during Hush's bullet hell attacks before they can reach their target.
    • When the player has piercing tears, however, Lost Contact can cause dodging most attacks to become trivial regardless of the player's tears stat, as the player's tears will destroy any enemy projectiles they come into contact with while remaining themselves intact.
  • Serpent's Kiss Serpent's Kiss, Maw of the Void Maw of the Void, Athame Athame, or The Virus The Virus (in combination with defensive items like Rune of Algiz Rune of Algiz or Book of Shadows Book of Shadows) will make Hush's summoned enemies occasionally drop black hearts, allowing the player to farm large quantities of health during the enemy-spawning attacks.
    • Added in Repentance Serpent's Kiss only generates black hearts from contact damage. Maw of the Void, Athame, and The Virus no longer generate black hearts at all.
  • Added in Afterbirth † Broken Modem Broken Modem is not recommended, as it will stop Hush's tears and close some escape routes, making it harder to dodge in some cases.
  • Added in Afterbirth † The combination of Mysterious Liquid Mysterious Liquid and Trisagion Trisagion can kill Hush extremely quickly by spawning massive amounts of creep under his large body.
  • Added in Afterbirth † The Forgotten The Forgotten's ability to swap characters into The Soul is very helpful in the Hush fight. Since nearly all of Hush's attacks are projectile-based, The Soul can hide behind the skeletal body and deal damage while staying totally safe.
  • Added in Repentance Magnetizing Hush using Lodestone Lodestone causes many of the slower bullets to not be able to go further than Hush's own hitbox, rendering the barrage ineffective.
  • Cursed Eye Cursed Eye can greatly benefit Keeper Keeper / Added in Repentance Tainted Keeper Tainted Keeper if given the right items. They can fight Hush, and if they get damaged while charging, they teleport out of the fight and can go back to the shop area and bomb the Donation Machine.png Donation Machine to replenish health.
    • Cursed Skull Cursed Skull also works for this.

Notes [ ]

Trivia [ ]

  • According to Edmund on Twitter, Hush represents Isaac's imminent death slowly approaching towards him, which is the reason why Hush and ??? are the same thing, since ??? represents Isaac suffocating in the chest.
    • According to Edmund on Twitter, Hush is a giant ??? pushing from the other side.
  • In its first form (the replica of the ??? fight), "Ascension" plays, while in its second form, the name of the boss theme is "Morituros".
    • Morituros in Latin is the accusative masculine plural for 'about to die', which roughly translates to "those who will die".
  • Hush is one of only two bosses in the game with a Boss Room scaled in a 2x2 fashion, the other being Added in Afterbirth † Delirium Delirium.
  • There is an unused file in the game named "boss_hush_skinless" which appears to be an unfinished sprite sheet for the unreleased third form of Hush. It resembles a red, fleshy head. This was confirmed by Edmund to be "a red herring for dataminers."
    • Tyrone has confirmed that Hush's "skinless phase" was originally intended to be his second form, having concept art ideas based on it.
    • Added in Afterbirth † It is possible to spawn it using console command. It moves but doesn't attack in any way.
  • Hush shares his name with a level from Edmund's previous game, Super Meat Boy.
  • As Hush loses health, the boss room grows gradually darker, and vein-like shadows begin to appear in the ceiling.
  • When defeated, Hush screams and disappears in a flash of light. The ground where it once was becomes scorched in a shape resembling a distressed face.

Bugs [ ]

Bug Bug! Added in Afterbirth † If Delirious Delirious is used in phase 2 of the Hush fight and Delirium is killed, The Calm (music usually played after defeating a boss) will replace Morituros.
Bug Bug! Having the No Return seed enabled when going to Hush will result in no doors being available, softlocking the run.
Bug Bug! Using the I'm Drowsy... pill makes the lasers from Hush's eyes late in the fight impossible to avoid, because their speed is calculated based on Isaac's base speed, not accounting for Isaac's slowing from using the pill.


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