Pregnant Woman Gives Birth to Baby on Life Support

"If the vaccine would've been available to me when I was pregnant, I would've gotten it without thinking nigh it twice," María Esther Roque Díaz told NBC News

A Maryland woman is urging other pregnant people to get the COVID-19 vaccine after she became ill during her pregnancy late last year.

Back in December, María Esther Roque Díaz gave nativity to her second child, a infant boy named Dylan, though she was unaware of the nascency because she was "unconscious and on life support" afterwards she got sick with COVID-xix, NBC News reported.

Per the outlet, Roque Díaz contracted COVID-19 when she was six months significant, and at the fourth dimension vaccines were not readily available.

"I couldn't breathe. I lived [on] a second floor, and I felt like I couldn't even get up those stairs," Roque Díaz told NBC News. "I told Wilian, my partner, to please take me to the hospital. I couldn't take it anymore."

"I was so scared and worried for my babe," the female parent of two added.

Maria Roque Diaz

Credit: Meghan Borkowicz / University of Maryland Children'due south Hospital

Roque Díaz and so spent weeks at a local hospital, before she was brought to the University of Maryland Medical Center, co-ordinate to NBC News. There, she was connected to an extracorporeal life support machine (ECMO), as her lungs were unable to produce plenty oxygen to keep herself and her baby alive.

Dr. Allison Lankford, an obstetrician and gynecologist who cared for Roque Díaz during her infirmary stay, told NBC News that doctors worked hand in mitt with the intensive care unit of measurement squad to brand "decisions for continuing the pregnancy versus timing of delivery."

"That is certainly one of the virtually challenging decisions," she explained. "Nosotros're constantly weighing the potential benefit of delivery for mom versus the risk to the fetus of prematurity."

With Roque Díaz unable to care for herself and in a state of unconsciousness, her son was then delivered by C-department at 32 weeks. The baby weighed merely 5 lbs.

Roque Díaz went in and out of consciousness subsequently the inflow of her son, and ii days post-obit her C-department, her stomach began to swell, which prompted doctors to discover that she was suffering from internal bleeding.

She began to recover and became fully conscious past Valentine'southward Solar day. "When I first woke up, the start thing I saw was the large scar in my belly. Then I got scared considering I realized I couldn't speak considering I was intubated. And so, I simply started to weep," Roque Díaz said. "My heart started racing and I was sedated once more."

Maria Roque Diaz

Credit: Meghan Borkowicz / University of Maryland Children's Infirmary

After on, Roque Díaz and Dylan were at a point where they were healthy enough to be discharged. NBC News reported that they are at present currently dorsum at abode, where Roque Díaz has had to help her oldest son, Emanuel, accommodate to her return, as he was only two when she was hospitalized.

"Now that I'k at home, he calls me, 'Hey, you,'" Roque Díaz told the outlet. "That was tough on me because he essentially didn't know who I was. When he would come virtually me to carry him, I had to explicate to him that I couldn't. I would tell him to please forgive me."

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Roque Díaz is now using her story to encourage others to get the COVID-19 vaccine so they don't endure the same trauma that she had to go through.

"If the vaccine would've been available to me when I was meaning, I would've gotten information technology without thinking about it twice," Roque Díaz told NBC News.

"I may be hither with all this additional weight and all these scars, but at least I'yard here with my family and kids, enjoying them," she added. "But unfortunately, other mothers who had cases like to mine are not here with united states."

According to the Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention (CDC), simply a 3rd of pregnant people nationwide have gotten the COVID-xix vaccine. Vaccination rates for both pregnant Latino and Blackness individuals remain low, with 25 pct and 15.6 percent, respectively.

The CDC has besides reported more than than 141,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in significant individuals between January. 22, 2020, and Nov. 1, including 218 deaths.

As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE is committed to providing the most contempo data in our coverage. Some of the information in this story may have changed afterwards publication. For the latest on COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from the CDC , WHO and local public health departments . PEOPLE has partnered with GoFundMe to enhance money for the COVID-19 Relief Fund, a fundraiser to support everything from frontline responders to families in need, as well as organizations helping communities. For more information or to donate, click here .


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